Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Dead Zone: Explanation of the Hypoxic "Dead Zone" in the Gulf of Mexico

Hypoxic zones are areas in the ocean of such low oxygen concentration that animal life suffocates and dies, and as a result are sometimes called "dead zones." This data visualization discusses the causes of hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico.

The American Southwest: Are We Running Dry?

The Urban Water Research Center at UCI presents this documentary by James Thebaut which chronicles the use of water in the southwestern U.S. and ultimately, asks the question, Are We Running Dry. This compelling program, narrated by Jane Seymour, takes a serious look at water policy in the Southwest and what changes may be in store in the future. [1/2009] [Public Affairs] [Science] [Show ID: 15738]

Algae: The World's Most Important "Plants"

Believe it or not, your life depends on algae! Join Scripps' Institution's Russell Chapman as he discusses the important roles algae have played in the development of life as we know it. Series: "Perspectives on Ocean Science" [12/2006] [Science] [Show ID: 11931]

The Biology and Business of Biofuels: Algae as Biofuel

Leading experts explore the need, challenges, opportunities and impacts of creating biofuels for a sustainable future Series: "Frontiers of Knowledge" [4/2008] [Science] [Show ID: 14378]